NetPing 8 IP PDU ETH R8

A device of power supply sockets remote management via Ethernet/Internet network (Switched Metered ATS IP PDU). The device belongs to the IP PDU (IP power distribution unit) class of devices with ATS (Auto Transfer Switch).

  • 1-Wire sensors support;
  • 8 controllable 100V … 240V AC, 50/60 Hz sockets;
  • 2 independent power supply inputs (automatic transfer switch);
  • 1 x 10/100-BASE-TX Ethernet ports;
  • A metal body for installing into a 19′ rack 1U;
  • External sensors can be connected: temperature, humidity, door, leakage, supply voltage and other.


General usage conditions - for industrial and commercial usage in conditions of high humidity (0-95%, non-condensing). The device is not intended for domestic use.

NetPing 8 IP PDU R8 is a device of power supply sockets remote management via Ethernet/Internet network (Switched Metered ATS IP PDU). NetPing 8 IP PDU R8 device belongs to the IP PDU (IP power distribution unit) class of devices with ATS (Auto Transfer Switch). This power distribution unit allows remote turning on, turning off and restarting the equipment by managing 100V … 240V AC, 50/60 Hz sockets, as well as to measure the active power consumption for each outlet and automatically switch the power supply input to the backup one.



SMS notifications and management

Input lines

Output lines

IO lines

Number of 1-wire ports

Ethernet port

NetPing 8 IP PDU GSM3G R9

3G GSM modem




1 х 10/100-BASE-TX

NetPing 8 IP PDU GSM3G R8

 3G GSM modem



1 х 10/100-BASE-TX

NetPing 8 IP PDU ETH R9




1 x 10/100 BASE-TX

NetPing 8 IP PDU ETH R8



1 x 10/100 BASE-TX

Applicable solutions:

  • Reload modems, access points, switches, routers, servers and other computer equipment that freezes with no need to access it physically. 
  • Remote turning on/turning off additional computer equipment. This allows to save electricity and reduce equipment wear out, because its work is required sometimes or in certain periods of time;
  • Switch to a backup power supply input. Switching to a backup input can be fulfilled remotely by a command automatically, when a voltage disappears on the main input;
  • Remote management of air conditioners, ventilation systems and climate control systems. Connected sensors allow current situation surveillance, and a remote 100V … 240V AC, 50/60 Hz sockets management allows turning on a necessary system with no physical presence on an object, including automatic mode.

Device Capabilities

Be notified

  • Information about the status of sensors is available through the web interface
  • Email notifications
  • Email notifications about events
  • SNMP v2 trap
  • SYSLOG notifications

Use web interface from any device

  • configuration
  • sensor monitoring
  • notification and alarm
  • scheduler
  • watchdog
  • NTP-time
  • firmware update
  • event log

Power up with remote control and automation

  • Web interface
  • URL-encoded commands
  • SNMP v1 control
  • LOGIC rules
  • Scheduler for connected devices
  • Watchdog over ICMP to react on changed conditions

Enterprise-level reliability

  • External battery support for uninterrupted operation
  • Nonvolatile log file
  • Internal supercapacitor to keep notifications flow up to 6 minutes when all other power sources are lost
  • Designed and built for uninterruptible operation in 24/7 unattended mode

Support & Warranty

  • 24 month worldwide warranty
  • Lifetime professional support

Features Included

Remote management of device sockets via the Ethernet/Internet network

Each output socket of NetPing rack power distribution unit can be remotely switched on/switched off/reloaded. Sockets can be managed through a built-in web interface, with the help of any browser or using SNMP commands.

A watchdog for automatic reloading of an external equipment

If any external device, a router or an access point freezes sometimes, NetPing rack power distribution unit can automatically reload these devices. To do this, it constantly inquires indicated IP addresses by the ping protocol. If it gets no response, it will automatically reload a connected device by turning off and turning on its power supply.

Switching on/off sockets on a schedule

NetPing rack power distribution unit can switch on and off a voltage on its built-in sockets on its own on a weekly schedule, switch on/off a voltage several times a day, use a special schedule for holidays. This may be useful for a daily/weekly forced reboot of external devices or for turning off unused equipment in a certain time of a day.

Automatic switching from a main power supply input to a backup one

When a power supply disappears on a main input, NetPing rack PDU can automatically switch all sockets to powering from a backup input. When a power supply on a main input is recovered, NetPing rack PDU can automatically switch sockets to a main input. Switching time between two inputs is several seconds, and for this period of time sockets of a device will be cut off power.



General usage conditions

for industrial and commercial usage in conditions of high humidity (0-95%, non-condensing)


indoor only

Max length of the sensor loop to the device

50 m for 1-wire, 100m for discrete sensors using cable with cross-section not less than AWG 21

Form factor and mounting requirement

19′ 1U rack mounted (standalone is possible)

Case material

Metal, black

Device control interface


Fanless solution

Yes – passive cooling

Supported external sensors

please check External sensors section of Functionalities table

Traffic encryption

Not supported

Static IP

Yes + Mac address

Device control interface



Main functionalities

Number of independent power channels managed remotely

8 controllable 100V … 240V AC, 50/60 Hz sockets (IEC320-C13)

Number of power sources

2 (IEC320-C20)

Short protect circuit

Internal self-healing fuse

Summary output power

2500 W

Watchdog function


Managing sockets on a schedule


Individual socket output power

1500 W

Extra functionalities

Displaying information about the status of sensors through the web interface built into the device


Email notifications


Email notifications about events on sensors


Supercapacitor for a notification system


SNMP trap

SNMP v.1

SYSLOG notifications


Remote monitoring of temperature

up to 8 pcs 1-wire (THS) sensors

Remote monitoring of relevant ambient humidity

up to 4 pc 1-wire (HS) sensors

Adapters of Analogue sensors

Yes, 3 adapters, 1-wire

Airflow sensors

up to 4 pcs sensors

Door sensors

up to 4 pcs sensors

Leakage sensors

up to 4 pcs sensors

Smoke sensors

up to 4 pcs sensors

Motion sensors

up to 4 pcs sensors


4 buzzer

Sensors status information transmission via SNMP protocol

intergations with Zabbix, PRTG Network Monitor, OpenNMS, Nagios, Cacti, The Dude, Monit, and similar monitoring systems

IO (Input-Output) lines


1-wire sensors support


Managed NetPing AC/DIN socket

up to 4 pcs sockets

Built-in web server


LOGIC support


Sending notification when the power supply is cut off


Email notifications


Get time from NTP


Internal log


Configuring logic rules


SNMP control

Yes, SNMP v1

SNMP trap

Yes, SNMP v1

Syslog support


Remote control via web interface

configuration, sensor monitoring, notification and alarm, scheduler, watchdog, NTP-time, firmware update, event log

URL-encoded commands


Managing sockets on a schedule

Yes, for 8 output sockets

Hardware specification 


Ethernet port

1 x 10/100 BASE-TX

IO (input-output) lines for connecting external sensors and controlling external devices



1 (Working as a converter)



power output +12VDC, 350mA


power output +5VDC 700mA


Control and display

Power LED indicator


Reset button


Power supply and parameters

Electric power (main Input)

100 … 240V 50/60 Hz

Power plug

Euro plug – IEC320-C20, detachable power cord 1.8 meter

Power consumption, by a unit itself

12 W

Dimensions and logistics parameters 

Water proof case


Device dimensions (W x D x H)

430 x 152 x 44 mm

Package box dimensions (W x D x H)

515 x 253 x 62 mm

Net weight

2700 g

Unit packaged weight (transportation weight)

over 2KG, can’t measure

Device packing containment

NetPing 8 IP PDU R8 (device), power cable 1.8 m. from the spec. connector 2 pcs., rack mount 2 pcs., fasteners 4 pcs., screwdriver, zip package, memo, box

Water proof case


Operating conditions

Outdoor / indoor usage restriction

For indoor use only

Ambient air temperature for operation

-30°С … +50°С

Relative humidity

5…95 % (relative humidity has to be not more than 80% while the ambient air temperature is 25°С exact, non-condensing)

Operating atmospheric pressure range

84,0 … 106,7 kPa

Storage conditions

Ambient air temperature for storage

-40°С … +70°С

Storage Relative Humidity

5…95 %

Device reliability 

Mean time between failures, MTBF (controllers)

27 000 h

Estimated life expactancy of the product

At least 3 years

Limited manufacturer’s warranty

3 years from production date

Lifetime technical support


Documentation and files




Additional technical files

How to Buy?

You can purchase all equipment offered at our website for USD directly from us NetPing east Co Ltd. company or from our official partners. All prices indicated on our website are current ones.

To purchase NetPing devices, email please your request to In the email, indicate please the next:

  • Name and number of models of devices that you want to purchase. Do not forget to indicate sensors and accessories that are necessary for you.
  • Company name and a name of the recipient of the parcel with equipment.
  • Complete mailing address for equipment delivery.
  • Contacts (e-mail and a phone number).

Afterwards, a sales manager will prepare and send you an invoice in USD to pay the order (the details of our bank account and PayPal account are specified on the invoice). The invoice is valid for 10 days, and if you do not pay it within the specified time frame, the invoice will be canceled. To renew the order, you will need to send a repeat request to a sales manager.

Equipment can be sold for 100% prepayment only!

We make discounts to retail customers. Provided by lot (lot - one time buying/shipment):

  • Lot total amount > 600 USD → 5% discount.
  • Lot total amount > 1500 USD → 10% discount.
  • Lot total amount > 3000 USD → special discount.

We deliver equipment to any country of the world for free. Free delivery of devices without batteries is provided by EMS company. Free delivery of devices with batteries is provided by DHL company.

Customers from Russian Federation are welcome to visit our Russian website and choose there a more convenient method to purchase our goods.

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